Menikmati Kota Pontianak Dengan Fun Bike Cap Go Meh 2025

Pontianak Chinatown Souvenirs - IG Tamasya Puri Wisata - Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia

Menikmati Kota Pontianak Dengan Fun Bike Cap Go Meh 2025.

Address: IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia) Jl. Gajahmada Gg. Gajahmada 9 No.2 (belakang toko penghui). Kelurahan Benua Melayu Darat, Kecamatan Pontianak Selatan, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat – Indonesia.


Anda akan ditemani berwisata sepeda keliling menikmati kota Pontianak untuk mencicipi aneka kuliner makanan serta berbelanja aneka souvenir dalam suasana hari raya Imlek Cap Go Meh. Ayo segera hubungi kami, IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA untuk melakukan pemesanan.

You will be accompanied on a bicycle tour around the city of Pontianak to taste various culinary delights and shop for various souvenirs in the atmosphere of the Cap Go Meh Chinese New Year holiday. Come on, contact us immediately, IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA to make an order.

Bicycle Tour Pontianak to Exotic Kapuas River & Equator Monument – IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA – Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia


IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia)

Kegiatan Fun Bike Cap Go Meh yang diinisiasi IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Bapak Herfin Yulianto) telah melakukan Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat 12 Spot di Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak, di Gg. Gajahmada 9. Spot tersebut adalah:

The Fun Bike Cap Go Meh activity initiated by IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Mr. Herfin Yulianto) has carried out social work to build and maintain 12 spots in the Pontianak Chinatown destination, on Gg. Gajahmada 9. The spots are:

  1. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Spot Mural Naga, Mural Barongsai, Mural Amoy dan Mural Musik Tionghoa. Lokasi spot didinding samping Toko Penghui ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining Dragon Mural Spots, Barongsai Murals, Amoy Murals and Chinese Music Murals. The spot location is on the side wall of the Penghui Shop.
  2. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Spot Mural Koko Meme dan Mural Makan Besar. Lokasi spot didinding samping Laundry Gajahmada ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining the Koko Meme Mural Spot and the Makan Besar Mural. The spot location is on the wall next to Gajahmada Laundry.
  3. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat 4 Blok Karya Seni Grafis. Lokasi spot didinding samping Laundry Gajahmada ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining 4 Blocks of Graphic Art Works. The spot location is on the wall next to Gajahmada Laundry.
  4. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Spot Papan Nama Pecinan Pontianak. Lokasi spot didinding samping Laundry Gajahmada ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining the Pontianak Chinatown Signboard Spot. The spot location is on the wall next to Gajahmada Laundry.
  5. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Teras Pecinan Pontianak. Lokasi spot di teras rumah Bapak Matius ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining Pontianak Chinatown Terrace. Spot location on the terrace of Mr. Matthew’s house.
  6. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Spot Website ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining Website Spot
  7. Kerja Sosial Membangun dan Merawat Spot Sekretariat Kegiatan IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA. Lokasi spot disamping rumah Bapak Bearing, Ketua RT Gajahmada 9 ~ Social Work Building and Maintaining the Secretariat Spot for IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA Activities. The spot location is next to the house of Mr. Bearing, Head of RT Gajahmada 9.
  8. Mengembangkan Aktivitas Sekretariat IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA, diantaranya: Bicycle Tour, Bicycle Rental,  Friday Bicycle dan Toko Oleh-oleh ~ Developing IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA Secretariat Activities, including: Bicycle Tour, Bicycle Rental, Friday Bicycle and Souvenir Shop.
  9. Inventaris IG Tamasya Puri Wisata sebanyak 8 unit Sepeda Wisata ~ IG Tamasya Puri Wisata’s inventory is 8 units of tourist bicycles.
  10. Inventaris IG Tamasya Puri Wisata sebanyak 25 pot tanaman Lidah Buaya ~ IG Tamasya Puri Wisata’s inventory is 25 pots of Aloe Vera plants.
  11. Inventaris IG Tamasya Puri Wisata sebanyak 50 buah Lampion Imlek dan 6 unit Blok Semen Tiang Bendera ~ IG Tamasya Puri Wisata’s inventory is 50 Chinese New Year Lanterns and 6 Flagpole Cement Blocks.
  12. Biaya Rutin Kebersihan Gg. Gajahmada 9 sebesar Rp. 1.500.000/bulan ~ Routine Cleaning Fees Gg. Gajahmada 9 amounting to Rp. 1,500,000/month.
Mr. Herfin Yulianto, SE
Mr. Herfin Yulianto, SE, Ketua IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia)
IG TAMASYA PURI WISATA (Destinasi Pecinan Pontianak Chinatown Indonesia)


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